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Track to Growth: Creating a dynamic railway for passengers and the economy

11 July 2023

Rail Partners report Track to Growth: Creating a dynamic railway for passengers and the economy sets out analysis of the significant and complex challenges currently facing the railway and the role train companies can play in solving them.

New research commissioned by Rail Partners reveals that, where competition among train companies is harnessed effectively across Britain and Europe, it leads to more customers, more services, newer trains, cheaper fares and reduced subsidy.

The report, in four sections covers:

  • The need to correctly diagnose the challenges facing the railway today    
  • New analysis by Oxera on how private sector train companies reversed the decline of the railway post-British Rail
  • Wide-ranging research from Arup and Frontier Economics demonstrating the benefits of rail competition in Europe
  • A series of policy solutions to meet the railway’s challenges

Access the news release here

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